Thursday, January 18, 2007

Three Cancer Attacks but He Was Cancer-free After Herb

Yap had three cancer attacks. One was in the colon, 15 years ago. The second one was at the rectum 10 years after his first. As a result he had to wear a colostomy bag throughout my life. And then the third cancer attack -- behind the prostate gland.
Yap said: “I was contemplating how to die with dignity. Cancer patients always die miserably, in pain all over the body. Also, sometimes even morphine cannot reduce the pain. In my case, I know that chemotherapy did not help especially after my second attack.” Yap took the rodent tuber and he became cancer-free!

Cancer is normally regarded not only as a disease but also as a death sentence. How can we cling on any hope when everything seems hopeless? Many people, when faced with such an agonizing experience, usually give up. They find it pointless to continue living. A quick death is more merciful. I refused to accept defeat. Life was too precious to be destroyed by the enemy within. I had to fight cancer physically, emotionally and psychologically. And I won.

Note: As of this writing Yap is still active and healthy, living a cancer-free life.

Extracted from the author’s book: Cancer Yet They Live!

For more information on natural healing for cancer:

For more stories about cancer healing in video go to:
CA Care Video.

For answers to cancer questions go to: Cancer-Answers

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